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Victor & Me in Paris

by Janice MacDonald

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love in a dry land

by Dennis Cooley

love in a dry land is an absolute delight.

Pale Grey dot

by Don Miasek

[A] cracking fusion of cyberpunk and space opera!

A Road Map for Finding Wild Horses

by Trisia Eddy Woods

[E]xactly what the world needs right now.

The Twistical Nature of Spoons

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A chance encounter. A family secret. Lives bound together and torn apart.


by Jason Pchajek

In the future all will be steel and sun!

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Nostalgia for Moving Parts

Nostalgia for Moving Parts

Nostalgia for Moving Parts reminds us how to hear and see the ephemeral in the eternal and the eternal in the ephemeral: the moving parts of all our lives.

ISBN: 9780888017277

Nostalgia for Moving Parts reminds us how to hear and see the ephemeral in the eternal and the eternal in the ephemeral: the moving parts of all our lives.

Poised between thoughts of mortality and an exquisite taste for the most tender, small details of life, the poems in Nostalgia for Moving Parts are whimsical, quirky, and resonant with memory. Deeply grounded in the rainy mists and green reeds of the Canadian west coast, solitude becomes a spiritual practice transmuting loneliness and loss into grand appreciations for the gift of childhood and the untravelled road ahead.


When Diane Tucker hangs up a payphone in Nostalgia for Moving Parts' title poem, she observes that 'there is (oh unexpected pleasure) a real click.' When she lays down to sleep: 'the prayers / that fight up through me make a sort of hum.' Click and hum. Nostalgia and prayer. What's been and what will always be. Nostalgia for Moving Parts reminds us how to hear and see the ephemeral in the eternal and the eternal in the ephemeral: the moving parts of all our lives.

—Rob Taylor, Strangers

Diane Tucker's gentle humour combines with a refreshing directness of language and a sharply observed sense of colour and texture. As she explores her own Vancouver background and memories, she meditates on the loss of her parents and her own ageing.

— Christopher Levenson, Night Vision

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