
Turnstone Press believes there is more to a good book than the paper it is printed on. Books are meant to experienced and appreciated and we want to share not just our excitement for the books we publish, but also the buzz that surrounds our books across Canada and around the world. From advance publication / signing announcements to awards nominations and wins as well as critical reviews and rights deals, our news section is the place to visit to see what your next Turnstone read might be, or maybe even just confirm your own appreciation for Turnstone's books.

Book cover of Flyway by Sarah Ens and photo of Sarah Ens over a grey blue background

Tursntone Press is delighted to announce and congratulate Sarah Ens, whose book Flyway won the ReLit award for Poetry!

Turnstone Press is pleased to share the news that Flyway by Sarah Ens has been nominated for a ReLit Award.

Turnstone Press is pleased to share the news that Sally Ito has won two awards at the Word Guild Word Awards.

Logo: Manitoba Book Award Badge

MAY 15, 2023

Turnstone Press is delighted to congratulate Di Brandt and Sarah Ens for their nominations at this year's Manitoba Book Awards.

headshot: Di Brandt

Turnstone Press is pleased to share the news that the Manitoba Arts Council has named poet Di Brandt the winner of the 2023 Manitoba Arts Award of Distinction.

Logo: Saskatchewan Book Awards

Turnstone Press congratulates Joanne Leow for her recent nomination for a Saskatchewan Book Award!

photo: Patti Grayson's face in front of green background

JANUARY 03, 2023

Turnstone Press is pleased to announce the upcoming Fall 2023 release of Patti Grayson's newest novel, The Twistical Nature of Spoons.

OCTOBER 31, 2022

Turnstone Press is pleased to announce the acquisition and development of Don Miasek’s debut science fiction novel, an epic tour de force sure to please sci-fi fans. With the working title, Pale Gray Dot, it is scheduled to be released under Turnstone’s Ravenstone Imprint.

OCTOBER 13, 2022

Turnstone Press is pleased to announce that World Italian Language Rights of H&A Christensen’s novel Stealing John Hancock have been placed with Italian-based publisher Les Flâneurs Edizioni.

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