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Heart’s Hydrography

Heart’s Hydrography

Everyday perceptions made radiant.

ISBN: 9780888017598
Author: Sally Ito

Everyday perceptions made radiant.

In her fourth book of poetry, Sally Ito traverses the complex channels and tributaries of a heart mapped by the ineffable pull of family and faith. In Ito’s careful hands, this same heart becomes ocean and cathedral, a hallowed space in which poetic organ-song crystalizes into poems resonant with hope, love, doubt, and longing. Heart's Hydrography charts the vital ebb and flow between the personal and the divine.

Awards and Honours
  • Winner: Word Awards, Specialty Book
  • Winner: Word Awards, Writer of Colour


Winter landscapes, water landscapes, the landscapes of family love and frustration, and of the soul’s seasons - all these are mapped by Sally Ito with deep compassion and richly tactile images. Everyday perceptions made radiant.

—Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury

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