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The Drum King

The Drum King

ISBN: 9780888012203
Author: Richelle Kosar

Grace is an English professor in Toronto. She becomes involved with a younger man who claims to be from Buenos Aires. Eddy is a spinner of lovely tales, and even when Grace doubts his stories and begins to recognize that he is heavily involved in drug trafficking, she allows the deception to carry on. Drum King is a suspenseful and sensually told novel that pulls the reader into a world of complex characters and engaging plot.Grace is a forty-one-year-old English professor in Toronto. She becomes involved with a young, very handsome and vital man who claims to be from Buenos Aires. At first the involvement is strictly a sexual affair, and Grace believes it will end each time she allows herself to see Eddy again. But it carries on, andGrace's emotional legacy from her domineering and exacting father becomes more and more apparent.Eddy is a spinner of lovely tales, and even when Grace doubts his stories and begins to recognize that he is heavily involved in trafficking drugs, she allows the deception to carry on. When her sister intrudes on teh lovers' retreat to the cottage country of Muskoka, the deeper and darker recesses of Grace's psyche begin to dominate her thoughts. Her suspicion and lack of faith in others (and in herself -- another gift from her father) create a self-fulfilling prophecy that leads to a grim realization for Grace.The Drum King is a sensually told, suspenseful novel with a plot that will draw you into a world of complexity and suspicion.

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