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ISBN: 9780888012999
Author: Simone Chaput

Simone Chaput's fourth novel is at once a travelogue and an inspiring story of hope and renewal.

For centuries, people have made the pilgrimage through the Pyrenees and along the dusty roads of the Navarre from Roquebrun, France to Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain as a test of their faith and endurance.

Dominique is a 42-year-old interior designer from Winnipeg who has given up on the possibility of love, family, and a life in art. For her, the pilgrimage is supposed to be an escape from work and from her broken ex-husband David—and a chance to visit with her art-school friend Julia.

So it is with impatience that Dominique greets the presence of Julia's depressed, bohemian brother Colin, and the news that he will be joining them on their journey.

When the three set out on a walk that will take on a different meaning for each of them, Dominique wants nothing more than to hop on a train and head home. As the party picks up members along the dusty camino, however, Domique's attitude is forced to change. Perhaps it isn't too late for her to find happiness and renewed love—to wash away the self-perceived sins of a squandered life. As the villages roll by, and her new acquaintances become friends, Dominique begins to wonder if anything has been squandered. Maybe her life isn't almost over, but just beginning—and maybe it really is the journey that matters most, and not where it leads one to.

Book Club Questions
  1. Almost right from the beginning of the novel, Dominique comes across as critical, aggressive and abrasive. Does she have any redeeming qualities at all?
  2. How does one explain Dominique's cynical attitude towards art? (p. 25)
  3. What is the significance of the tableau of the "trial of virginity" in the context of the whole novel?
  4. Can Dominique be blamed for leaving David?
  5. What is Max's real motivation for wanting to set Julia up on her own?
  6. What relevance does the biblical story of doubting Thomas have in the context of the whole novel?
  7. Is Neil playing with Dominique's emotions? Is he betraying Lydia?
  8. Are Neil's ghosts in fact like Dominique's: "grey, moot and terribly equivocal"? (p.141)
  9. What load of guilt does each of the characters carry?
  10. How likely is Dominique's theory about prehistoric art? (p.156)
  11. Is it true that "it never really [is] in [our] hands" ?(p.199)
  12. ". . . every day of our lives, we turn our backs while children drown." (p.200) In how many ways is this statement true?
  13. How likely is it that Colin would have forgotten the role he played in his sister's drowning?
  14. Why is it inevitable that Neil return to Lydia?
  15. Does Neil's choice of Lydia over Dominique strike you as heartless?
  16. In what ways, if any, has the experience of the caminó changed Dominique?
  17. Explain the nature of Colin's redemption.
  18. What does this novel have to say about man and the need for compassion?
  19. John Updike has said that, in his stories, John Cheever "gives us back our humanity, enhanced." Can the same be said about Santiago?
  20. Which of the novel's images stands out in your mind?

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