

ISBN: 9780888013101
Author: Jacqueline Honnet

The lives of women and girls are at the core of Limbo. These stories map the lives and emotional journeys of women at crossroad ”women searching for meaning, battling indecision, and sometimes reaching an exhausted acceptance of their circumstance.A daughter steals her mother's childhood braids while helping her parents pack for their move back to the Bahamas. A young wife and her husband compete for the best funeral story, painting half-remembered scenes of loss in a morbid game. A mother lies about her child's IQ test results, causing her daughter to re-evaluate past and present realities. A new bride in an arranged marriage fears she is being poisoned by her gentle husband. A woman reluctantly pierces her ailing grandmother's ear—a ritual that prepares both women for their inevitable separation. Traveling from the islands of the Bahamas to the Southern United States to Western Canada and back, Limbo delves into everyday happenings and familiar relationships, magnifying those moments women find themselves caught between past and present, home and away, obligation and longing.

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