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Battered Soles

Battered Soles

ISBN: 9780888013057
Author: Paul Nicholas Mason

Is faith only for the devout? Can faith be shared across religious boundaries? These are the questions that Paul Mason explores in this hilarious, wise, and utterly fictional account of a pilgrmage from Peterborough, Ontario to St. John's Church in Lakefield, one town over.

Along the way, Mason explores the depth and range of his own faith, as well as that of a colourful cast of characters that includes an escort service limo driver from Kitchener, a family from Mumbai, a group of Japanese fishermen, and one ex-girlfriend.

Why are thousands of people making the one-day trek from Peterborough to St. John's Church? Does the blue-skinned, flute-playing Jesus statue in the church basement really have divine healing powers? And why has a young lesbian artist become a cult figure in southern Ontario? Mason answers all of these questions and more as you join him for a one-day walk you will never forget.

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