- Black Taxi
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Book One of the Imogene Durant mysteries
love in a dry land is an absolute delight.
[A] cracking fusion of cyberpunk and space opera!
[E]xactly what the world needs right now.
A chance encounter. A family secret. Lives bound together and torn apart.
In the future all will be steel and sun!
In 1993, Kendall Hunter travelled to Jahannesburg, South Africa, as a volunteer photojournalist for the South African newspaper, New Nation. She immersed herself in the lives of the South African people and witnessed firsthand the country's most monumental changes, including the demise of apartheid legislation and Nelson Mandela's ascent to the presidency. As a photojournalist, her life was often at risk, but her photographs of this difficult and violent time were published internationally. She also made many friendships, and grew to love South fgrica and its people.
Black Taxi is Kendall Hunter's personal account, in words and photographs, of her year spent working, living, and documenting South Africa's journey to freedom.
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