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2021 marks Turnstone Press's 45th year of publishing and as part of our celebrations, we are running a year-long poetry series: 2poemTuesday! 

Welcome to 2poem2 Tuesday, a 45th anniversary celebration from Turnstone Press.

Curated by poet Sarah Ens, our 2poem2 Tuesday video showcase aims to celebrate and highlight not only the many poets Turnstone Press has published in our 45 year history, but also the bright and vibrant community of poetry to which we belong. Over the coming year we'll pair Turnstone poets with poetry champions from across the country. In each Tuesday installment, they'll share 22 poems that can be enjoyed at home or anywhere you need to get your poetry fix.
For the past 45 years, poetry has been the backbone of our publishing program, and 2poem2 Tuesday celebrates all the effort and passion spent in dreaming, crafting, preparing, producing, sharing and promoting poetry to the larger world. Simply put, we love poetry. We love sharing poetry with other lovers of poetry. Always have, and always will.
Finally, 2poem2 Tuesday is our chance to say thank you to our readers, our writers, and everyone that has helped to make Turnstone's poetry program what it is today.

Thank you. We could not have done it without you!

—The Folks at Turnstone Press

 Feel free to head to our poetry YouTube page to watch all of the episodes so far and check back often (or better yet, subscribe) to catch future episodes. 

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