
The Twistical Nature of Spoons

by Patti Grayson

A chance encounter. A family secret. Lives bound together and torn apart.


by Jason Pchajek

In the future all will be steel and sun!

Knife on Snow

by Alice Major

Fire and Ice is Here!

When the Sky Comes Looking For You

by Chadwick Ginther

10 amazing tales!

The Sweetest Dance on Earth

by Di Brandt

A Lifetime of Poetry

Stealing John Hancock

by H&A Christensen

Who are you really?

Heart's Hydrography

by Sally Ito

Charting the vital ebb and flow between the personal and the divine.

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Dead Man on a Bike

Dead Man on a Bike

ISBN: 9780888015297

Wayne Tefs is the Dead Man on a Bike in his posthumous follow-up memoir to Roller Coaster: A Cancer Journey. Diagnosed with a rare cancer in 1994, Tefs spent the next 20 years raising a family, writing acclaimed works of fictions, battling cancer, and cycling. Always cycling.

Brutally visceral in his approach, Tefs explains: “This book is about the wound, about how cancer sticks a knife in your side and says, There, do what you can. What are the options? You can fall over dead; whinge out your days; leave the knife to fester; yank it out and splash blood around; pretend the knife is not there; anaesthetize it; use it to wound others; rage. Attempt to ride it away on a bicycle.”

And ride he does. Tefs cycles along the highways and byways of the Manitoba prairie; steep and arid Catalina Foothills; and lush, rolling French countryside. While he rides, he unflinchingly examines his sense of Self, uncovering bright flares of insight, earthy humour, deep-seated fears of mortality, and Zen-like moments when the Self falls away and all that remains is peace.

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